List Your Crypto

Unlock true potential: enable token-holders to make most of “YOUR TOKEN”

Benefits of listing on XcelTrip

Increase the use-cases of your token

Book 2.3 million hotel and 450 flights worldwide

Appeal to wider customer base

We have millions of registered users and community members

Bridge the gap in service delivery

We assist you in connecting with 150,000+ IMP's in our network

Leverage trust and reliability

We are IATA certified, award-winning travel and booking platform operating in 150+ nations

Our service offerings to listed partners

We extend range of marketing, promotion, and support services to our partners

Social media announcement and community updates

Our thriving crypto-community with over 10 million community-members will see hear and read about your token through our social media channels

Newsletter and email promotion with XcelTrip community

Information about your token will be shared with XcelTrip community, in a personalized and targeted manner. Cutting out all the noise

5 press releases

XcelTrip is featured in leading Global news channels. So will you be. We will write and share about your token with (5) leading press.

Airdrop & other contests

We will run exciting airdrop , booking and other contest to hype up your token

Ads banner in homepage

We will display about your token in attractive banner shared on our homepage, website, and social media cover pages

Media Coverage

Our Travel Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

To list your token on XcelTrip, you will need to follow these simple steps: First go to XcelTrip and fill out the listing form (link to the form) mentioning all the details about your project. The XcelTrip project team will then review your form. If the project meets all the standard requirements of XcelTrip platform, we will list the token in for travel and booking.

Login to your account.