5 Volunteering Opportunities To Stay For Free In India

XcelTrip|5 min read|Nov 2, 2018

We’ve all had that moment where we want to run away from our mundane life and settle down near the beach, in the mountains or the riverside far away from the city. The only thing that bothers us is what if we do not have enough money when we get there? Sometimes it is even the uncertainty of what we are going to do when we get there? We can do the world and us some good and earn some good karma by indulging in the concept of volunteer travel.

So what kind of volunteering opportunities should you look at in India? Here are some tips:


There are a lot of communities in India that need teachers and instructors. While it is recommended to have a background in education if you ever intend to teach, but you may still take on this vocation even if you have a different area of study.

Volunteer jobs in India usually delve on the basics, such as ABCs and 123s. There are also organizations who look for fluent English speakers who can do basic English teaching for various students as English is also included in their academic curriculum.

Medical aid/nursing

Meanwhile, if you have a background in medicine or nursing and would like to experience the plight of India, then you can do some volunteer work. There are communities in India that are in great need of doctors and nurses, and you can do volunteer work in terms of joining medical missions or be assigned in remote areas for a month or two.

Medical volunteers in this aspect should be trained in first aid, as this will be their primary job aside from teaching locals how to conduct first aid procedures. Those on the other hand with degrees in medicine may do actual diagnostic work, depending on the tasks given to them.

Social work

Social workers are also needed in India, as they provide necessary counseling to people who are experiencing specific difficulties with regards to their social environment. These include women, children, people marginalized due to their class, persons in specific circumstances, and victims of violence.

Having a background in social work allows you to provide psychosocial first aid to these people, and as well help them reintegrate with society within a matter of time.


On the other hand, there are also places in India where tourism needs a big boost. You can then volunteer for tourist-related jobs, such as improving the situation of a hotel or restaurant situated in an underrated part of the country or be assigned at a beach and do some cleaning work. The best perk about tourism-related volunteer work is that you get to be assigned to a place where you can blend both business and pleasure, making your experience the most memorable ever.

Preparing for volunteer work in India

If you intend to travel to India to do some volunteer work, then it is essential that you prepare beforehand. This includes looking for the right agency that can deploy you to a community that suits your needs and where you can shine in your expertise. You can also prepare by scouting for a place to stay and look for airfare quotes so that you know how much to spend during your time in the country.

You can do your travel preparations by logging on to Xceltrip, an online travel aggregator that introduces you to various vendors that can help you with your travel needs when in India. Through this platform, you can then start transacting in digital currency and no longer in hard cash.

Cashless preparations are essential for volunteers, as they are often assigned in remote areas without access to ATMs. You can then make your purchases in advance, and keep your pocket money once you’re in the country and spend them as needed.


volunteer travel,volunteer,travel for free,work while you travel

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