Last day! Grab the most versatile token with 30% Bonus

XcelToken|4 min read|Feb 28, 2019

XCELTrip had proposed to start its Series A public sale to drive its growth and market expansion around the world. This sale began from January 10, 2019, and has reached this stage 2 of public sale. On this initiative, XCELToken offered 30% bonus,  which began on January 10, 2019, and is ending at midnight tonight.

XCELToken would still be offering a 20% bonus from March 1st, 2019 to the end of March. However, we have picked out a few reasons on why you can need to avail the offer while it’s still on its 30% bonus period.

Why invest in Cryptocurrency?

If you have not switched to using cryptocurrencies, then you should as this is the best time to take advantage of this new and exciting alternative money.

Cryptocurrency has over the years grown exponentially, and this has attracted a considerable amount of people. The success of XCELToken, which is one of the most popular and the most versatile token among the available cryptocurrencies has made everyone aware of the vast potential that this new technology holds.

Cryptocurrencies are becoming more popular as days proceed as they are decentralized, electric and anonymous. Cryptocurrencies also have a considerable potential to change the world in a big way. It is expected that cryptocurrencies will bring considerable changes in the world and the same will not be restricted to the financial sector. Here are some of the top ways people make use cryptocurrencies today.

·      Travel

Cryptocurrencies are widely accepted for payment in various transactions, individuals are using them in diverse fields.

It is now possible to use cryptocurrencies to pay for tourism and travel. XcelTrip, a company that specializes in tourism and traveling is powered by the blockchain platform. The company has its own cryptocurrency known as XCELToken that was created using the blockchain Ethereum platform. Apart from XCELToken it also accepts other major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum token, DDPT and many more.

·      Retail

As cryptocurrency charge a minimal price as commission and have removed other unnecessary financial charges merchants have started accepting them for buying and selling their products or service. Merchants have the option of doing everyday business transactions with cryptocurrencies, storing them in their wallet for as long as they wish and sell them later when the prices go up.

There are exchanges such as Coinbase that have a clean and straightforward user interface, which enable merchants with nil experience of trading in cryptocurrencies.

All the above are some of the ways people are making use of cryptocurrencies today. It is evident that cryptocurrency is making considerable changes in various fields apart from finance. As more people and institutions have already started to accept the use of cryptocurrencies, their popularity will shoot up leading to the development of more uses. This will revolutionize the world as we know it today.

Hope we have given enough and more reasons to buy your XCELToken before the 30% bonus offer ends today. 



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