A Tour of Rome: Angels and Demons Version

XcelTrip|3 min read|Jun 16, 2019

Live the mystery of the famous novel, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Take a walking tour and learn the secrets and riddles hidden away inside Rome’s well-known churches and squares such as Piazza Navona and the Pantheon. Following is a list of places that you should include in your tour in accordance with the Novel. To take these tours book your tickets to Italy on XcelTrip and experience the culture and riddles of the Illuminati:

A Tour of Rome

Santa Maria del Popolo

Unlock century-old clues concealed in plain sight as you learn about Rome’s favourite sculptor: the unique Bernini. Follow the book for an remarkable experience as you are led on a mission to separate facts from fiction and history from stories in the novel.


St. Peter’s Square and Santa Maria della Vittoria church

Travel in a calm air-conditioned coach to the St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, the epicentre of the of all the action in the novel, to Santa Maria della Vittoria church and admire Bernini’s superb Ecstasy of St. Teresa statuette.


Piazza Navona

Enjoy some coffee at one of Rome’s best cafés in the mid of the tour. Your hunt will take you to famous spots in Rome such as the lively Piazza Navona to veiled gems like Piazza della Minerva, where you’ll absorb a little about Bernini’s entertaining side.


Castel Sant’Angelo

Initially built as a mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian, this striking fortress served for many years as a safe-haven for Popes and is connected unswervingly to the Vatican by a concealed passage called “il passetto”, which can be seen from the outside.

Make your way to Italy to trace the fictious footsteps of Robert Langdon within the city of Rome and make memories that last a lifetime.



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